And then, after the guy confined to a hospital bed, a judge tells him that he's facing a prison sentence for the 'hate crime' he committed. That's where any semblance of realism ends, however, as Chick's Straw Pro-LGBT Rights People proceed to beat the guy within an inch of his life while the cops, instead of trying to break it up, join in with their nightsticks. So a cop comes along and puts him under arrest, which you'd expect to happen in Real Life, since he was blocking the route after all. In one of them, there's a guy blocking the parade route, silently holding up a sign quoting a bible verse about homosexuality being an abomination.The portrayal often use a combination of Manly Gay and Bondage Is Bad.
Several Chick Tracts feature Pride Parades, portraying them as unholy armies of Satan laying siege to the world.All Played for Laughs.) And yet, even she grows to reluctantly enjoy them. (She's a bitter and hateful lesbian who resents bisexuals, trans people, men - including gay men, lesbians who don't hate men, and so on. Bitchy Butch tends to hate the parades because they are inclusive.